A tentative hello!

The fund will be open again from Monday 23rd September for a restricted number of referrals per week. We are just trying to manage our funds wisely. Our donations come from kind members of the public who send us money so that we can help others. We don’t receive government funding, other than being able to claim gift aid on those donations that are generously offered that way. Please only refer to us as a place of last resort and investigate all options available to you locally. Our grants are one-time only and for food and energy meters only. We do not offer grants for clothing, household items or travel costs, so to avoid any embarrassment it is worth mentioning that here.

Locally, an option which is not often considered or people are unaware of, is Freecycle. Google will pull up the group closest to the person you are trying to obtain help for. Once they have joined, if there are household items, etc, that the person needs, it is worth placing a wanted request. Often families have duplicates of items, tables, chairs, vacuums, etc, that they hang on to waiting for someone to say they need them. All items must be offered in good working condition and completely free of charge. It is operated to keep good items that are still usable out of landfills. The Biscuit Fund is in no way affiliated to Freecycle, but are aware of its existence and happy to share the information.