Busy times

We have been busy trying to catch up with numerous requests for help. Sadly, this time of year we see cases of young people who have finished their formal education and hope to find employment. Although there is always talk that there are lots of jobs available, it does seem that many people try repeatedly to find employment only to be constantly pushed back. So at the moment, there seems to be a rise in the number of young people, suddenly forced out of the family home, having to manage a home of their own with little to no skills on how to manage a budget and feed themselves adequately. We have had quite a few 18-year-olds facing the world, applying for Universal Credit, the responsibility of regular bills, and needing some extra help. Fortunately, there are places they can go to for help, however, those places are extremely busy and can’t always guarantee a meeting. If you urgently need help it is always worth contacting the Help through Hardship helpline set up in conjunction with The Trussell Trust and Citizen’s Advice, as they are trained to offer advice around debts, benefits, etc. Your donations help us to put food on the tables of people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. If you’d like to consider becoming a regular donor we would be most grateful, you can find information on how to do so here.