Our contact asked us to help a single man that they housed last year. As part of his arangement he was to pay towards the £500 deposit each week, meaning he didn’t have to find it all at once. He has suffered a family breavement, a relationship breakup, as well as losing his job in December, so has been struggling as his mental health has been poor. Due to a shortfall in his housing benefit he has fallen into arrears with his rent. Our contact has applied for a Discretionary Housing Payment from his local council, which has been awarded for a short while, this will cover the housing benefit shortfall. He has been served with a Section 21 notice regarding his home situation, but that notice has now expired. He needs to find the money to cover the rest of the deposit in order to remain in his property. His landlord has been supportive now that our contact is on board and trying to help him resolve the situation. We agreed we would send over £150 to go towards the deposit, which we are told will help appease the landlord, and keep the threat of eviction at bay.