A young woman, in her very late teens is living all alone without any family support whatsoever. She does work part-time but is finding it difficult to cope as she has health issues which has still not been properly diagnosed. Her mobility is compromised so she only works a few hours a week. She has been in receipt of Universal Credit (UC), and this has been okay, but she gets paid every four weeks and this month her payment fell two days earlier than expected and according to UC she has been paid twice, so this month she won’t receive any UC payment at all. UC have also not covered all of her housing costs either, so she has a £120 shortfall on the rent to find, as well as being £100 down on her UC payment. This has meant she is struggling to find the money to pay her travel fares to work as well as covering the rent shortfall. Our agents are helping her to put in an application for Personal Independence Payment. In the meantime we agreed to send her £125 to help her out.